Meet the Team
The interprofessional faculty is drawn from around the Midlands.
All are experienced medical education facilitators with a real passion to deliver the best educational experience to you.
Our Approach
We believe the key to your success is the ability to demonstrate the knowledge you have in a realistic but supportive environment. Immersion in realistic exam scenarios with individual debriefing and the powerful use of video will lift this course from the others in the market. Our experience in medical education will help you maximise your potential.
Our Story
We have been involved in cutting-edge medical education for the last 15 years. We are keen enthusiasts of marrying medical education with cutting-edge technology to enhance the learning experience. Our background in championing human factors as a cornerstone to both clinical practice and debriefing leads us to believe we have a first-class product for you.
Book Now
Booking a place on this course is easy.
We understand you want to leave applying until you know you have been invited to this stage of the exam. However, places are limited and fill rapidly.
Just £160 secures a place.